Meet our Growth Animator March 17th

You are invited to join us for a MEETING with our Growth Animator this Sunday March 17th from 2:30 to 4:30 pm at St. Pauls’ United (404 Cleveland Avenue) in Riverview, NB. All are welcome!
Sharon Ballantyne, Growth Animator Regions East with UCC
As part of the strategic planning conducted by UCC in 2021, a Growth Department was established, with 6 Growth Animators hired throughout the country. The Growth Department has 3 areas of focus: renew, create, invite.
How is God calling us to move forward, to new places? ‘WARTS’
- Welcome – how are we at welcoming new people?
- Attract – what are our special aspects? We need to appreciate and value what we have/are. What may we need to let go of? What are we being called to do?
- Retain – need to know who our visitors are. Who are the people we haven’t seen since covid? Who is joining us on-line?
- Transform – how are we building relationships?
- Sending forth – what is our neighbourhood reach? We are all ministers, “I am a disciple”
Sometimes we take for granted what we’re doing and don’t appreciated just how special it is. We are not good at evangelizing. We need to explain why an activity/event is important. Join us for discussion & learning.