Responding to COVID-19

Dear friends,
Many groups and regions in Canada are heeding the advice of public health and medical professionals concerning the COVID-19 virus, and are suspending large gatherings and postponing meetings and events. We understand that this is the best thing to do to help contain the spread of the virus, to keep people safe, and to avoid a critical burden on the health system. To that end, we will be suspending our Sunday worship services for the rest of March. For more information on what this means for St. Paul’s day-to-day operations, please click here.
Through all of this, God is keeping vigil with us. Although the need to be apart can cause us to feel fear and uncertainty, Love is closer still, encouraging us to connect in other ways. Call your friends and family; spend some time reading the good words of others, or writing your own reflection; sing, paint, carve, cook, sew, walk, breathe; and know that God is with you.
Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing resources for worship in your home, and we will continue to monitor the situation, making every effort to keep you up-to-date on our response. In the meantime, may God bless you and may yours prayers continue for the world and God’s people, especially those who are sick and those working hard to keep us safe.
The peace of Christ be with you.
Steve, Andy, Wendy, Sue