Category Archives: Uncategorized

Pink Shirt Sunday February 23

On February 26th each year, we mark Pink Shirt Day in Canada.

The gesture started when a group of students noticed one of their classmates being bullied because he was wearing a pink shirt. So, they set out to ALL wear pink shirts to send a clear message of...

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Digging Deeper for Lent

Join David-Roger Gagnon for a Lenten Study Please contact 506-386-3335 or to express interest.  Digging Deeper… Rather than give something up for Lent, why not add something nourishing to your spiritual life? Digging Deeper is a 6-week long exploration of faith that invites us to consider portions of the United Church’s Song Of Faith, and episodes of the series...
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Coffee & Conversation Feb 16th

Happy Valentines Day!

This Sunday February 16th we welcome David-Roger Gagnon, our music director Brenda Barnes, along with Stephen Spencer & St. Paul's Choir Members for worship. Thank you to our weekly worship volunteers, our readers, our greeters, our tellers, our Sunday Youth and everyone who participates with announcements...

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Sunday Youth

Each Sunday, mid-way through worship, our young people are invited to join David-Roger at the front of the sanctuary for time with our youth and our young at heart.

The biblical message is reinforced with a story or fun activity, and a prayer, then young people go upstairs for...

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