Worship for January 28, 2024

Fourth Sunday of Epiphany
Scripture: Mark 1: 21-28
Hymns: God of the Bible MV 28, Creator God MV 27, God to the World VU 420
Musicians: Brenda Barnes, St. Paul’s Choir and Soloist, Paul Toner
Worship is held on Sunday morning at 10 AM, in person at 404 Cleveland. Everyone is welcome.
The service will be live–streamed on St. Paul’s Facebook page and our YouTube channel. All worship services are archived to view at a later date.
Find the Order of Service here.
Sunday, mid-way through worship, our young people are invited to the front. A biblical message is shared, reinforced with a story or fun activity, and a prayer, then young people go upstairs for a brief Christian Education lesson and related craft or activity led by one of our dedicated volunteers. Once a month, we have games in the gym. We welcome all children and young people from the community to join us on Sunday’s for our Sunday Youth Program for all ages! For more information, please contact 506-386-3335 or StPaulsSundaySchool@hotmail.com.
Registration for Sunday Youth programs is available online. Each family can complete this form ONCE to be registered for the year: https://form.jotform.com/232367407872260.
Community at Prayer
Almighty and merciful God, from whom comes all that is good, we praise you for all your mercies: for your goodness that has created us, your grace that has sustained us ,your wisdom that has challenged us, your patience that has borne with us, and your love that has redeemed us. Help us to love you and all your children, and to be thankful for all your gifts, by serving you and delighting to do your will. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.