Affirming Discussion
The Affirming Committee of St. Paul’s is pleased to invite you to a Lunch and Learn immediately after worship on Sunday, May 20 with Joselyn O’Connor and Janice LeBlanc. Joselyn is a transgender woman who has delivered several educational presentations for businesses and schools for those who are questioning or transitioning themselves, as well as their friends and family.Janice is the mother of a 13-year-old transgender child. She has shared her experiences with supporting her child through different presentations within the community. She advocates the importance of unconditional love and support for transgender children.
As we engage in the Affirming process, we are invited to participate in events which will help us understand more deeply what it means to fully welcome all of God’s children into our midst. This Sunday, we will hear the stories of transgender people and the issues they face. Please join us for this important event.